9 soft can be this strong Quality assurance and controls are therefore of particularly high priority in production at NUK. From the origins of the raw materials to packaging. Assembly robots and cameras monitor each step of the manufacturing process in production in Zeven, northern germany. For example, every single soother is checked for tensile strength and the safety of the assembled parts. the values obtained in the course of these inspections far exceed the required norms. RIgHT FRoM THE vERy FIRsT MoMENTs, oNly A FEW THINgs gET As ClosE To BABIEs As BoTTlEs AND sooTHERs. every single nuK Product must also pass the stringent visual inspection of staff before it is permitted to be packaged and sent on its way to baby’s new home. BUT NoT oNly MACHINEs CHECK THE FlAWlEss QUAlITy oF THE NUK PRoDUCTs AT vARIoUs QUAlITy CoNTRol sTATIoNs IN THE FACToRy. Work proceeds here on a daily basis on improv- ing nuK Products and developing useful and helpful products for life with small children. everyone at nuK comes together for this pur- pose: internal staff, independent experts such as scientists, midwives and doctors as well as inventors and parents. A new idea needs to pass by all before it is given the opportunity to go into production at nuK. For happier babies from birth on. NUK’s oWN REsEARCH AND DEvEloPMENT DEPARTMENT Is EsPECIAlly IMPoRTANT. FROM GERMANY OUT INTO THE WORLD 60 years of NUK Production in figures: 400 million bottles and cups 1 billion soothers 3 billion teats