25 Developed for gentle beginnings HOW lOng HAve tHeRe Been nuK PROducts In HOsPItAls? “since the end of the 70s. It was a logical step for nuK to be right where babies and mothers spend their first hours and days. Bottle feeding was still very predominant, and “rooming in” didn’t become popular until later. mothers practically only saw their babies during visiting hours. so NUK initiated dialogues with doctors, midwives and nursing staff in order to find out what was actually needed.” And WHIcH PROducts WeRe needed In HOsPItAls BAcK tHen? “disposable teats – nuK introduced these worldwide in hospitals back then as a pioneer. Pre-disinfected and individually packed. very practical and hygienic. Of course, nuK Bottles were also introduced. In the so-called milk kitchens, the bottles were boiled after each feeding and used again. There was a new teat for every bottle.” WHAt’s dIFFeRent ABOut tHe dAIlY ROutIne In HOsPItAls tOdAY? “A lot has changed since then. expert staff today no longer have time to disinfect bottles, sooth- ers and teats. the milk kitchens are slowly being phased out. consequently, in collaboration with expert staff in the hospitals, we have developed a new solution which saves time and costs and also meets higher-level requirements in terms of hygiene.” WHIcH nuK PROducts ARe tHe mOst POPulAR In HOsPItAls? “the entire range of disposable products is in high demand – bottles, teats and soothers. In particular, we offer small sizes, which are especially relevant for maternity hospitals. meanwhile, there is a large selection of special products such as the NUK X-ray soother, which is used to administer contrast material for an examination. Or teats for premature babies in especially small sizes with extra-small openings for drinking and especially small soothers.” HOW ARe tHese sPecIAl PROducts develOPed? “We have close contact, actually a relationship of trust, with the expert staff in hospitals, we regularly attend professional events and physi- cians’ congresses. these lead to us developing new solutions on an ongoing basis. tailored to suit current needs. experts such as paedia- tricians, midwives, paediatric nurses, speech therapists and scientists support us in our work. meanwhile, we have the trust of 90% of all ger- man and Austrian hospitals.” WHAt ARe tHe gReAtest mOments FOR YOu In YOuR WORK At tHe HOsPItAls? “those are the moments when I receive posi- tive feedback from the staff who work with our products every day. Where they are in use and need to function perfectly. especially in the case of new products which we have developed to- gether, it’s good to hear: “thank you very much. the new soother is working out marvellously.” this happens relatively often. And I am person- ally happy to hear it.” And HOW dO mOtHeRs tHInK ABOut It? “The young mothers start with our products in clinics right away. They are happy that anything they need for their life with a baby has been thought of. Once they have experienced that nuK Bottles, teats, nipple shields, Breast Pads or Breast Pumps work well, they continue us- ing them. That makes us happy as well.” Annette Ryschka