13 The soother is a small ornament WHAt’s tHe cHAllenge In PARtIculAR? “I see the soother as a small ornament. The design is concentrated on a small surface. one needs to take care to strike a good balance between colours and shapes. It’s an exciting task. I try to tell little stories on the bottles, create worlds which are charming, tender and also a little humorous.” YOu cO-develOPed tHe nuK OnlIne studIO – AnY tIPs? “A little goes a long way. Don’t add too many elements, it’s better to concentrate on one or two themes and make them work. Keep the background as uncluttered as possible so that the elements come alive. The key design element should have the strongest, brightest colour. And don’t spend too much time thinking. The most important thing is to have fun in the process!” YOu HAve Been desIgnIng tHemes FOR nuK sOOtHeRs And BOttles FOR mAnY YeARs. WHAt Is YOuR sOuRce OF InsPIRAtIOn? “I think designing for babies and toddlers is simply wonderful and very fulfilling. I have two children myself. What they and their friends enjoy, what moves them, it all goes into my work. And I love colours, graphical patterns, naïve artwork and everything in nature – blossoms, leaves and birds, etc., I never get tired of it…” “THE SOOTHER IS A SMALL ORNAMENT” Freelance designer linn Behrendt on her work for nuK Design andorder your ownsoother now:www.nuk.de