What parents need to watch for during potty training
Mummy, I have to pee! When a child starts using a potty depends mainly on how much control it has over bladder and bowel function. It is generally at the end of the child’s second year. It is easy to tell whether your child is ready: Nappies stay dry for hours, the child does not like the feeling of a full nappy and can pull its trousers down and up alone. The most important things for potty training: PATIENCE, HANDlINg ACCIDENTs CAlMly AND HAvINg THE RIgHT EQUIPMENT: THEsE WoRDs ARE MUsIC To PARENTs’ EARs. FINAlly – No MoRE CHANgINg NAPPIEs! BUT HoW Do yoU gET THERE? THE BEsT WAy Is To RElAX AND FolloW THEsE PRACTICAl TIPs FoR PoTTy TRAININg: mummY, I HAve tO Pee! NUK POTTY The NUK Potty is an exact ergonomic fit for the bottom and is very comfortable and stable. NUK TOILET TRAINER The NUK Toilet Trainer is for the second step of toilet training: simply place the trainer on the toilet seat. The toilet trainer features a wide seat surface, splash guard and back rest. For successful toilet training the fun way! TiPS: THE PoTTy sToPWATCH: set an alarm clock to remind your child to go to the potty every 60 or 90 minutes. sTART IN THE sUMMER: let your child run around at home with no clothes on; it’s easier to use the potty independently without trousers. REWARD PRogREss: there is a small reward after every successful “session”. showing your child how proud you are is motivating.