** 0-2 m 0-6 m 6-18 m 18-36 m 11 soother – yes or no? WHIcH sOOtHeR Is tHe RIgHt One, WHAt dO I need tO lOOK Out FOR? “In addition to the asymmetrical shape, you must always pay attention to the size. It is important to keep up with the growth of the jaw with the various soother sizes. NUK offers a system with four sizes. The smallest NUK genius for 0-2 months can be given to especially delicate and light newborns in the initial period of their life. Then the rest of the soothers follow in sizes 0 to 6 months, 6 to 18 months and 18 to 36 months. In addition, two materials are available: silicone and latex. With a silicone soother, one has a transparent material which is heat-resistant and which does not change quickly as a result of environmental conditions. The latex soother scores for its elasticity and conse- quently its ability to adapt to the mouth. However, sunshine and light may make it porous. Both need to be replaced regularly.” WHAt’s BetteR: sucKIng A tHumB OR A sOOtHeR? “Sucking a soother, or a thumb, satisfies an innate need. But: A thumb isn’t as pliable or as ideally adapted to suit oral conditions as a soother. That’s why thumb-sucking may have a negative impact on jaw development. A good soother, on the other hand, is a practical device. As a result of actively sucking on the soother, the child optimally trains its entire oral motor function, which is important for learning to speak later on. Another advantage: Weaning a child off a soother may be faster than weaning off a thumb, simply because a soother isn’t always within easy reach.” sO sHOuld I gIve tHe BABY A sOOtHeR? “A soother should not be used as a plug. If the child doesn’t need one, so much the better. But if the baby isn’t sufficiently satisfied after breastfeeding or bottle feeding or is unable to fall asleep, then a soother can help. But the mother should take the soother out of the child’s mouth once the child has fallen asleep. It’s a good idea to wean the child off the soother around the child’s third birthday.” dR. HuBeRtus vOn tReuenFels, dentIst In An ORtHOdOntIc PRActIce: tHe nuK sHAPe This is a recommendation only – please take into consideration the individual development of your child. * only genius soothers are available for 0-2 months.