Gentle care for the first hair: The NUK Baby Brush with soft and hygienic nylon bristles. Help in two different ways: The NUK Cool Teether set massages and cools any sore spots. Cutting nails safely and easily: With NUK Baby Nail scissors’ rounded tips and soft, non-slip handles. Especially calming: The NUK genius soother for children aged 0 to 6 months comes with a practical storage box for on the road. Brushing one’s teeth needs to be learned: The NUK Training Toothbrush set is the ideal start for baby’s first teeth. 47 A nice gift for parents and babies hOW ABOUT GiVinG A SOOThER WhiCh iS COMPlETElY PERSOnAl? In the nuK Online studio on you can choose from various options to design your very own soother. Or you can add the child’s name. Babies aged six months and older will also be happy with a stainless steel cup engraved with their name. You will find more information on our Online studio on page 12. Browse back and learn more!