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NUK Magazine 60 Years of Inspiration - A strong team

Here’s how to combine breastfeeding and bottle feeding

17 It goes without saying: Breastfeeding is best for your baby. But it may happen that this does not always work out or does not fit in with your daily schedule. No reason to despair. No mum can be available round the clock. “But don’t I have to decide – either breastfeeding or bottle feeding?” is often the question. No, you don’t have to. nuK teats are designed so that your baby will do just fine with both. this has been confirmed by a scientific study*. * moral et al., “mechanics of sucking: comparison between bottle feeding and breastfeeding“, Bmc Pediatrics 2010, 10:6, nuK First choice+ Teats are modelled on a mother’s nipple as she breastfeeds. they have a top side which is extra-soft and rounded, are flattened on the under- side and are an ideal fit for the child’s palate, allowing babies to drink at their own sucking rhythm. the hole size in the nuK First choice+ Teat allows the baby to drink with an amount of exertion comparable to that of breastfeeding. the valve and the slightly offset hole on the teat ensure that the nutrition can flow naturally. And with nuK’s size concept, the right teat is available for any age. The best thing about bottles: daddy can do the feeding and enjoy being close to his baby while mum needn’t have any worries and can use the time to do something for herself. You want to give your baby nothing but the best – and that is normally breastfeeding. But what to do if that doesn’t always work out? A report on how breastfeeding and bottle feeding can make a wonderful combination. A STROnG TEAM

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