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NUK Magazine 60 Years of Inspiration - An inspiring life begins...

A story about the greatest love in life

26 An inspiring life begins… From one moment to the next, our life was turned upside down. I had an inkling and did a pregnancy test at home, and suddenly it was clear: You were on the way. speechless with joy, I stood in front of your daddy. I don’t think he’d ever looked at me as proudly or more over- whelmed than on that day. AN InsPIRIng lIFe BegIns… A mOtHeR’s letteR tO HeR cHIld Hello, baby, here you are! Just a while ago you were still in my tummy. Now we are a family and I can’t quite comprehend it all. every little smile from you makes my heart beat faster. Inconceivable what life used to be like without you.

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